Great Grandmother Thinks Baby Is Doll After Early Birth | Happily TV

2022-02-18 3

This is the sweet moment a great grandma meets her newborn great-grandson for the first time and mistakes him for a doll before realizing he’s real. Velma Payan and her pregnant daughter, Carriz Payan, decided not to tell great-grandma-to-be Rosa Payan when Carriz was in labor due to the stress possibly causing health issues. Instead, they planned a different way to break the good news to her by organizing Rosa to meet the baby without knowing Carriz had even gone into labor. Carriz wasn’t due until September 18 so when her baby boy Jorge Jr. was born on August 30 it was as if he had a surprise of his own to give the family. On September 9 Velma and Rosa went to Carriz and her husband’s home in West Texas. Rosa believed she was over for dinner, but little did she know she was about to meet her great-grandson she didn’t know she had yet.